2022-08-27, 12:30–12:50 (Europe/Berlin), backstage
Syncing room membership and permission-levels with LDAP and Microsoft Azure AD via maubot plugin
At work, we had the use-case, that people should be added to rooms depending on their role and division. We did not want somebody to do this manually and wrote a maubot plugin which handles this for us. It syncs memberships of user-groups from an identity management like LDAP or Microsoft Azure AD to rooms.
I will show you the concept and idea and a demo.
Source code is available at https://github.com/SAPUCC/inviterbot
Slides: https://slides.com/vriess/matrixsummit-2
Computer Science student from Magdeburg (Germany).
I am kind of a matrix power-user and author of some Maubot plugins.
Some Synapse servers (work, university, private) are maintained by me. My private homeserver is keks.club
Drop me a message at @valentin:keks.club