Getting your bot encrypted with Pantalaimon
2022-08-27, 15:00–15:40 (Europe/Berlin), backstage

Are you running an unencrypted bot? Want it to speak encryption?

I'll show you how to set up Pantalaimon as a proxy between your bot and your Matrix server.
It's a Python application that encrypts messages before sending them to the server and decrypts messages it receives. That way the Matrix homeserver cannot read your messages but you don't have to add encryption to your simple bot.

I've been a bridge developer of the bridges for the past 2.5 years. Besides the work on various Matrix integrations at Element, Matrix is a big passion of mine. I used to build my own chat bots before I joined Element and am one of the active founders of the Matrix Meetup and Matrix Summit in Berlin.

Seit 2,5 Jahren entwickle ich die Chat-Brücken. Neben meiner Arbeit für Element, ist Matrix mir auch persönlich sehr wichtig. Schon vor meiner Anstellung habe ich Chatbots geschrieben und ich bin einer der Gründer des Matrix Meetups und Matrix Summits in Berlin.

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